Category Archives: Media

When it’s safe to play, I want sports back on TV – with or without fans!
April 9, 2020

Live sports, please come back! Whether or not there are fans in the stands, I don’t care.  After spending an hour on Sunday watching the world championship of a team video game called Rocketball, I am ready to watch real people play real games in real time. Earlier this week, I watched a computer simulation […]

Entercom makes cuts that will hurt the company more than those who were fired
April 3, 2020

Entercom fired a bunch of radio professionals yesterday.  Believe it or not, that saddens me more for the company than the individuals who were told to pack a box. Big media companies, despite their insistence to the contrary, are mostly the same.  They are too big to quickly pivot or embrace that their most important […]

Curly Neal passes away – great player, great smile, and a party invitation I refused
March 27, 2020

Former Harlem Globetrotter Curly Neal died yesterday at age 77. Kids in the 1970s knew two of the Globetrotters – Meadowlark Lemon and Curly.  Meadowlark was hilarious – a nonstop cascade of basketball comedy.  Curly had a shaved head and smiled all the time.  Both were featured prominently on Scooby Doo episodes and the  strange […]

Local Talk Radio is critical to remaining connected, informed, and entertained
March 18, 2020

Local radio helps communities connect, and that connection is needed more than ever as we have been forced to withdraw from personal contact by the Coronavirus pandemic. Somehow, some way, radio is best at building one-on-one relationships.  We feel connected with hosts is a way that just doesn’t happen with other media.  Maybe it’s because […]