Tag Archives: Dwight Freeney

Indianapolis Colts – Pregame Tribute to Manning Should Never Have Been Planned
October 17, 2013

by Kent Sterling The horse last left the barn, and there is no way to unring this bell, but the Indianapolis Colts should never have given serious thought to providing Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning with a video tribute, or any other measure of honor prior to Sunday night’s game at Lucas Oil Stadium. After […]

Coach Rick Venturi Talks About the Colts Change to a 3-4 Defense from a 4-3
May 17, 2013

by Kent Sterling Switching basic defenses requires roster changes, and it can take some serious time.  The players like Dwight Freeney who were key in making the 4-3 with cover two work so well for so long become a liability in the 3-4 scheme that Chuck Pagano brought with him from Baltimore. So how long […]

2012 Indianapolis Colts Were a Damn Lucky 11-5 Team
April 17, 2013

by Kent Sterling The toughest part of Colts coach Chuck Pagano’s job will be to manage the expectations of fans who incorrectly assess last year’s 11-5 record as just the beginning of things to come. I’ve spent the last two weeks watching the Colts season on nfl.com’s Game Rewind feature (the best $25 I’ve ever […]

Colts Lose a Super Bowl 31-17 They Should Have Won
February 8, 2010

by Kent Sterling The ball is shaped funny and because of that football games don’t always end as they should.  Remember Jackie Smith dropping the Roger Staubach pass in the 1970s in one of those delicious Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl losses?  The guy plays 15 years – 14 with a terrible series of St. Louis Cardinals teams.  He gets […]