Indiana Basketball – 10 reasons for no name #iubb jerseys; 5 reasons for name; Indianapolis #Colts o-line $

3 thoughts on “Indiana Basketball – 10 reasons for no name #iubb jerseys; 5 reasons for name; Indianapolis #Colts o-line $

  1. Bear

    1) I vote for No Names, however, I believe that certain numbers should be retired and hung in Assembly Hall with the player’s names on them so long as they finished their 4 year career at IU….Duplicates are okay (42..Woodson….42..May)
    2) Take the Adidas logo off…Add the American Flag and Possibly the Indiana State Flag….yes, the tax payers are part of the team, too
    3} For God’s sake, keep the Cream and Crimson standard decor, including the “pajama bottom” stripes…It’s iconic

  2. Terry Johnson

    I agree the name on the back is a nonstarter , It will not make the team any better by having the name on the back ! Leave the jersey as it is now it shows the team is a team and and are playing together for a common goal ! The Hoosier Nation will know who the players are and that is all that’s needed.

  3. Matt Moore

    I am personally fine with what ever they what to change at this point. I trust the folks in charge of the program now. That hasn’t been the case since Coach Knight has been gone.

    Now, if because of the NIL agreement coming, they want to change it so that the names are on the jerseys, and that the players get ‘royalties’ from their jersey being sold with their name on it…go for it!!! By all means, do it! If other schools’s are going to do that, it will put Indiana at a disadvantage if they don’t do it.


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