Tag Archives: bad sports parents

Indy’s Morning Sports List – 10 things sports parents can do to maximize experience for kids
December 10, 2015

There is a harrowing and tragic first-person recollection by former NHL player Patrick O’Sullivan about beatings, fear, and misery inflicted by a father at theplayerstribune.com that all sports parents should read. O’Sullivan’s dad was a frustrated hockey player who tried to live his failed dreams through Patrick.  His motivational techniques were barbaric, and while O’Sullivan played in the […]

Parents of high school athletes – and one in particular – need to shut the hell up
September 18, 2015

by Kent Sterling Parents watch their sons and daughters differently than everyone else at a high school sporting event.  They are invested – both financially and emotionally – in their kids’ performance and use by coaches, and some feel that investment confers a license to vent when frustrated. And they are the most likely to […]