Tag Archives: fire Frank Vogel

Top 10 reasons to be optimistic about the Indiana Pacers playoff hopes
April 1, 2016

Hoping is more fun than giving up, so Indiana Pacers fans continue to believe in a team that seemingly has lost all hope in itself. Last night’s 20-point loss to the Orlando Magic was a low point for a team that somehow remains one-game in front of the Chicago Bulls for the eighth and last playoff […]

Indiana Pacers – Truth is that Frank Vogel is the kind of coach that wins
April 24, 2014

by Kent Sterling The air of regality with which many coaches cloak themselves is absent from Frank Vogel’s demeanor.  He’s a nice guy who works diligently to put his team in a position to win. That’s what great coaches and managers in business do.  They concentrate their focus upon helping players as individuals reach their […]

Indiana Pacers – Why the Pacers will wake up and come out fighting tonight
April 22, 2014

by Kent Sterling It seems like a lifetime ago that the Indiana Pacers were NBA media darlings rolling to 16-1, 33-7, and 46-13 records.  Paul George on Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen A. Smith talking to the starting five plus Frank Vogel, and magazine covers extolling the team-first lovefest gave the Pacers the kind of adulation that […]