Tag Archives: New York Yankees

A-Rod deserves whatever treatment the fans decide to lavish upon him
February 18, 2015

by Kent Sterling Not enough.  Not nearly enough.  A handwritten apology might work for a fourth grader expressing regret to a girl he decided not to take to the school dance, but not for an adult who is supposed to be the face of a historic franchise. Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Berra, Mantle, Ford, Munson, Jeter, […]

Hey Bud! Ban Alex Rodriguez for Life, or Be Doomed
August 1, 2013

by Kent Sterling Can Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig pour a cup of coffee without consulting an attorney?  Does he need Alan Dershowitz to call his cardiologist to negotiate an extra pack of sugar or dollop of creamer? It’s time for Bud to sack up and lead, or get the hell out of the way. Click here to […]