August 3, 2018
The return of Colts quarterback Andrew Luck has been a shiny tchotchke dangled in front of fans’ noses since the opening of training camp. It was shattered yesterday as the Colts finally placed Luck on injured reserve, which ends his season. Colts fans are rightfully miffed that their team is missing the roster’s only difference maker. That […]
There is no path through this regular season for the Indianapolis Colts that leads to a seventh season with Chuck Pagano as head coach. Pagano is a certain goner. The Colts enjoyed an ascension with Pagano as coach from 2012-2014, and then came a decline which has gathered significant steam during the first seven weeks […]
Jim Irsay lives a good life as the owner of the Indianapolis Colts. He has virtually limitless wealth, which allows for access to all kinds of fun you and I don’t even know exists. Best of all, Irsay is completely unbound by consequences that keep you and I on the straight and narrow. Irsay has […]