by Kent Sterling
It’s a nonsense election for a position on the Houston Community College Board of Trustees, and the guy who won obviously has a warped sense of humor, but the voters who pushed a button next to David Wilson’s name are the same idiots responsible for saddling America with elected officials at all levels who embarrass us on a daily basis.
Wilson, described in Houston as a “fringe candidate” and “gleeful political troublemaker” won his election by 26 votes in a district where the voters are predominantly black. His support was generated by a direct mailing piece that featured pictures of African-Americans that Wilson selected at random from the internet. Beneath the pictures the phrase, “Please vote for our friend and neighbor, Dave Wilson” appeared in quotes.
Also in the mailing, Wilson claims an endorsement from Ron Wilson, the same name of an African-American former state representation who still holds a lot of power in the black community. According to Dave Wilson, the endorsement is actually from his cousin in Iowa.
People have a responsibility to pay a little attention for who they vote, or we will find the same level of bobbers currently representing us in congress, state legislatures, city councils, and school boards.
This is a funny story until you think about the people in Houston who thought they were voting for a black man when they were actually casting a ballot for a reported tea party candidate who is a virulent anti gay and lesbian crusader.
This isn’t the first time a candidate has won by proffering truths that prompted the wrong conclusion. George Smathers defeated incumbent U.S. Senator Claude Pepper in the democratic primary for the 1950 senate election in Florida with the “Redneck Speech,” which in part reads, “Are you aware that Claude Pepper is known all over Washington as a shameless extrovert? Not only that, but this man is reliably reported to practice nepotism with his sister-in-law, he has a brother who is a known homo sapiens, and he has a sister who was once a thespian in wicked New York. Worst of all, it is an established fact that Mr. Pepper, before his marriage, habitually practiced celibacy.”
Smathers denied giving the speech for the rest of his life, and is widely thought to have been a hoax. The point remains, voters need to pay closer attention.
Smathers won by 60,000 votes, and then introduced Richard Nixon to Bebe Rebozo.
If you want to laugh for a couple of minutes to get it out of your system, that’s fine, but then think about how important it is to know what and who you vote for.
Either way, we get the government we deserve.