Not with Bob Knight late, nor with Mike Davis, Kelvin Sampson and Tom Crean, but with Archie Miller the fit between coach and Indiana’s program finally feels right.
As each Indiana University basketball coach has been hired over the past 16 1/2 years, I had a visceral response of “Oh no!” as I either learned they were hired or listened to them speak for the first time. Usually both.
When I heard Archie Miller was going to be hired as the next coach, I was ambivalent. Everyone who follows college hoops knows he has done a very nice job building an A-10 winner, but his personality has remained under the radar.
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Listening to him speak at the introduction ceremony at Simon-Skjodt Assembly Hall, I was impressed by his manner as much as his words. There was no rah-rah crap, no salesmanship. He seemed to be a coach – just a coach.
As a guest on my radio show yesterday, I asked him all kinds of questions – few about basketball. I wanted to know about his leadership philosophies, and to get to know him a little bit better.
Miller’s answers revealed a likable guy who has no compulsion to be liked, a leader who believes authenticity is the key to unlocking potential, and a coach who enjoys coaching more than anything.
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It’s way too early to know what kind of basketball product Miller will lead onto the floor at Assembly Hall in seven months, but for the first time in a generation I feel like Indiana Basketball is in the right hands. That feeling gets stronger every time I hear him interviewed.
Give the interview from yesterday’s show a listen, and share your thoughts:
Very good interview. Enjoyed the insight into Archie Miller that your questions allowed. Not at all like the 8 or 10 interviews of Coach Miller by others. They are necessary and appropriate. But it is fun to hear something different.
Agree with the above article, too.
So Kent did you tell Archie on how IU bb needs to be ran down in God’s country? You seemed to have a pretty good idea on how it should be conducted from hearing and reading nothing but that for the last 4 plus weeks.
I am so glad Clappy is gone. Looking forward to the Miller Era.