Category Archives: Kentucky Basketball

John Calipari is right to not want an NBA Draft expansion, but for all the wrong reasons
October 17, 2019

As I scanned sports stories this morning, I dug into one because Kentucky Basketball coach John Calipari and I would finally agree on something. Calipari came out against expanding the NBA Draft.  I assumed he believed it would be bad for college players because it would make sticking on an NBA roster more difficult than with the […]

John Calipari’s lifetime deal means Kentucky will be fun to hate for a long time
April 2, 2019

John Calipari secured a lifetime contract to coach basketball at Kentucky not long after UCLA offered him a pay cut to jump to the Bruins. Already making $9.2 million per year to teach college students the game of basketball, Calipari will remain with the school for the rest of his career if both sides live […]

Handshake line charade needs to go, but not because of John Calipari’s act last night
March 23, 2018

Kentucky coach John Calipari has always been a self-immersed twit and a blight on college basketball, so please don’t misunderstand my thoughts on the stupidity of the postgame handshake ritual as a validation of his decision to blow it off last night. Kentucky got beat, K-State celebrated, and Calipari left the floor without waiting to shake […]