July 6, 2021
Paying too much attention to the media is a silly indulgence for professional athletes. It reveals the paper-thin skin of the truly insecure. Phil Mickelson yesterday showed his fear of the media and respect for its ability to change minds as he announced this weekend’s Rocket Mortgage Classic will be his final event in Detroit. […]
Four-time gland slam Tennis champion Naomi Osaka withdrew from the French Open rather than talk to the media, and two things are 100% true of that decision while being at odds with each other: Osaka should suck it up and spend a few minutes with the media after matches. Media should allow Osaka to skip […]
There is nothing quite like untethered lunacy on social media, and Kwame Brown – the #1 pick of the 2001 NBA Draft – is giving us a bunch of it this week on his Instagram and YouTube feeds. Brown evidently has had enough of being belittled as the poster boy for draft busts in the media, and is engaging with […]