Category Archives: NFL

Phillip B. Wilson slides out at Indy Star and into
August 7, 2014

by Kent Sterling The evolution of media in Indianapolis continued this week as longtime sportswriter Phillip B. Wilson resigned from his position at the Indy Star and accepted a position to provide unique insight and information about the Indianapolis Colts and Indiana Pacers under the umbrella. Content is king these days and with the […]

Outrageously light two-game suspension is a disservice to Ray Rice
July 25, 2014

by Kent Sterling People are baffled and pissed off at the two-game suspension levied by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell as punishment of Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice’s battery of his then-girlfriend/now-wife, and that anger has given a fresh run on a story that Rice and his bride would love to see die. Rice hit […]

Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay’s life becoming more complicated by the day
July 9, 2014

by Kent Sterling Jim Irsay is paying the price for backing away from the sobriety he gained a long time ago through diligent pursuit.  There are plenty of reasons to address addiction, and they are starting to pile up for the Indianapolis Colts owner. For a public figure, addiction brings vulnerability, and that vulnerability draws […]

Indy Star’s Bob Kravitz on Jim Irsay’s struggles with addiction
June 22, 2014

by Kent Sterling Bob Kravitz is one of my favorite columnists for the same reason I enjoy him as a friend – he is always openminded in his relentless pursuit of the truth, and is always willing to acknowledge when he does not know something. A lot of guys try to make it up as […]

Indianapolis Colts all-time great Dallas Clark to retire a Colt tomorrow
June 17, 2014

by Kent Sterling There are few more recognizable images in Indianapolis Colts history than tight end Dallas Clark turning back toward quarterback Peyton Manning to find the ball as he ran one of the countless seam routes that led to franchise records in receptions and touchdowns for tight ends. The Iowa born and bred tough […]

Hamilton County gives Jim Irsay a pass; what will Roger Goodell and the NFL do?
May 23, 2014

by Kent Sterling Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay is an addict.  He has a disease, and doing time is going to do nothing to change that, so the Hamilton County prosecutor’s office filed charges two C misdemeanors related to his March 16 arrest. Is there a double standard at work here?  Would you or I […]