Colts, IU Basketball, Pacers – Good, bad, and ugly of worst sports day EVER! Colts still OK for playoffs!

One thought on “Colts, IU Basketball, Pacers – Good, bad, and ugly of worst sports day EVER! Colts still OK for playoffs!

  1. Bear

    Kent, you are absolutely the worst commentator on IU sports that I have ever heard. You slobbered all over Woodson’s hire at IU which I believe you should have, but you cave in at the first sight of lousiness. Mike was a great hire, and he will eventually lead IU back to greatness. In previous posts, I have alerted you and the rest of IU Nation that this IU team was going to be a mid-pack team at best. They will have times when they look like the IU teams of old, but most of the time they will struggle to make sure that their shoes are tied properly. Too bad, but this is the way it is going to be.

    Please get this straight. IU will not be competing for BIG 10 leadership this year. If you “carp” about this, you only show your own ignorance about the sport. IU will not win the Big10 this year and will be extremely lucky to get an NCAA bid. This is just the way it is going to be. For God Sakes, let not start talking about changing coaches again.


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