Frank Reich is THE coach to win for Colts! Hoosiers NEED a point guard! Birthday wishes for Pacers, Boilers, and Butler!

4 thoughts on “Frank Reich is THE coach to win for Colts! Hoosiers NEED a point guard! Birthday wishes for Pacers, Boilers, and Butler!

  1. Terry Johnson

    When two starters are liabilities one at both ends of the of the floor and the other cannot guard anyone and your point guard is a a train wreck . It is hard to understand why Bates Geronimo and Leal do not get more minutes ? And what is wrong with Duncomb ? He can shoot ! Missing free throws has caused this team many losses . No excuses you have them shoot 100 a day with a manager so the can’t cheat . TJD is not healthy .Still no outside shot ! FG percent and Ft percent horrific ! NIT a definite MAYBE ! ! !

    1. Kent Sterling Post author

      The path to minutes is by defending. Leal is a good offensive play, but has a tough time defending. Geronimo and Bates really need to work on understanding the game. The train wreck who was Xavier Johnson is suddenly quite effective!

  2. Bear

    For Pete’s sake, stop carping about the point guard. You have one now. He is not the greatest, but not the worst either. Number 0 lead the team in scoring against Ohio State with 16 points. Yes, he made mistakes, but he played hard and did not get a lot support from his teammates.

    TJD had 30 against Wisconsin but could only muster 13 against a poorer OSU defensive team. He also missed 4 straight foul shots at one point. Something is not right here. Kent, you put your focus on Number 0, but the real reason for IU’s loss was Number 23. This guy is supposedly an All-American, Wooden candidate. He played like he still belongs in high school last night. Other notable laggards include Number 22, 12, and 2.

    IU Nation, don’t bank on next year. It gets worse.

    1. Kent Sterling Post author

      As much as I enjoy comments that use the word “laggards,” Jackson-Davis can’t pass the ball to himself on the block. The point guard makes the offense go or stop. Johnson hitting 14-of-54 shots during the five-game losing streak while averaging almost four turnovers was disastrous. He has since figured some things out – like trust in his teammates, and the result has been excellent. I believe he should have been the Big 10 Player of the Week.


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