March 30, 2015
by Kent Sterling “It all works out,” has been the routine response to questions about Tom Crean’s practice of oversigning players without a publicly shared scheme for how scholarships might be available for the new blood. What is “Creaning”? Division One basketball programs are allotted 13 scholarships, and without knowing how many players might go […]
by Kent Sterling With talk of potential for a coaching change in the Indiana University basketball program, there are two camps of passionate fans I hear from regularly – those who are very black and white – pragmatic types who want Tom Crean gone because Indiana should be an elite program because if Indiana isn’t […]
by Kent Sterling Indiana University basketball coach Tom Crean is so well known for the practice of stripping scholarships from current players in order to accommodate new recruits that it’s widely referred to in college basketball as “Creaning”. When occasionally wayward guard Stanford Robinson announced his intent to transfer from the Indiana program yesterday, many […]
by Kent Sterling The future of beleaguered Indiana Basketball coach Tom Crean is being weighed in Bloomington based on a number of factors. The most meaningful is money. And make no mistake, when decisions are made by adults, money is always the determining factor. There are other components, but plugging in the dollars usually leads […]
by Kent Sterling Fred Glass runs a great athletic department at Indiana University. The student-athletes (Indiana is one of the places where that term can still be used without smirking) are provided with the resources needed to succeed in both athletic and academic disciplines, facilities are in a constant state of upgrade, and most of […]
by Kent Sterling Indiana Basketball needs a leader that will define its culture and bring hope for success each season, and Tom Crean is not it. It’s not that Crean isn’t a good person, or an ineffective representative of Indiana University. There are many good things about Crean, traits you would seek in a coach […]
by Kent Sterling Hope is the fuel that powers college sports fandom in all its forms – ticket sales, TV viewing, merchandise sales, and checks written by boosters. Hope for the long term future of the Indiana Basketball program is currently lacking in Bloomington. The lack of enthusiasm for Indiana’s 2015-2016 season has very little […]