Category Archives: College Basketball

Roy Williams Owes North Carolinians an Explanation of P.J. Hairston’s Punishment
August 15, 2013

by Kent Sterling Teens go to college to learn about math, science, and the arts, but the true value of higher education is usually tied to the life lessons they extract from the rewards of the good choices and the consequences of the bad. Click here to follow Kent P.J. Hairston made some strange decisions […]

Mark Minner Named Radio Voice of Butler Bulldogs Hoops
August 14, 2013

by Kent Sterling Work ethic + dedication x timing (squared) = a great play-by-play job one year after graduating from college. Mark Minner has worked hard in secondary roles broadcasting Butler and other sports events, and stands at the crossroads of good fortune and opportunity as he has earned the gig as a play-by-play voice […]

Six Reasons Early Commitments Like James Blackmon’s Should Stop
August 9, 2013

by Kent Sterling A person’s word is his bond, but there is no way for a 14 year-old to have the vaguest clue what he is promising when he commits to attend a university and play basketball. There are those who will say that coaches can’t have any idea what kind of player an eighth […]

NCAA Needs to Allow Athletes to Profit from Image/Autographs
August 5, 2013

by Kent Sterling The NCAA is reportedly investigating  Johnny Manziel for taking a payment in exchange for signing his name a few dozen times.  If they find Manziel took one dollar, his eligibility at Texas A&M will likely be permanently lost. No big deal for Johnny Football as he has tweeted that being a Heisman […]

Indiana’s Tom Crean Throws Lots of Scholarship Offers Around for Few Spots
August 4, 2013

by Kent Sterling Recruiting basketball players is a tough game for coaches, and there are different strategies for each program.  Some cast a wide net, and other are more specific in their targeting. Over the last couple of weeks, media reports have featured news about Indiana coach Tom Crean offering scholarships to prep star after […]

Student-Athletes Go Unpaid, While Ohio State Pres Gordon Gee Gets $5.8M to Retire
July 30, 2013

by Kent Sterling There is something horribly immoral about taking an enormous wad of cash to walk away after failing. Click here to follow Kent on Twitter Former Ohio State University President E. Gordon Gee will receive $5.8 million to leave that office.  The cash comes in different forms and at different times, but the […]

Indiana Basketball – Tom Crean Talks About Leadership and the NCAA
July 28, 2013

by Kent Sterling Indiana Basketball coach Tom Crean is an interesting guy.  Regardless of whether you like, love, or loathe him, he’s a lightning rod in Indiana sports who is impossible to ignore.  Heading into his sixth year, the challenges of being the head coach at IU will evolve toward a new level of pressure. […]