Kentucky Fans Prove Classless in Attacking Andrew Wiggins, and Confused in Responding

by Kent Sterling

They are the most predictable fans in all of sports, and have the least class.  The University of Kentucky has many reasons to feel shame, but the behavior of their fans toward a kid who did nothing but choose to attend Kansas today shows why teenage basketball players who decide to attend UK make a massive mistake.

A sampling of tweets to top ranked recruit Andrew Wiggins account are below, courtesy of

tweet5They outed these idiots as not being representative of Kentucky fans, who refer to themselves as Big Blue Nation.  Any group of fans who are compelled to refer to themselves as a “nation” are endemic of the dingbats whose self-image is way too closely tied to the success or failure of teenagers playing college.

Kentucky fans are the worst of them, but certainly not the only pack of ornery sycophants who follow a college basketball or football program.  The loon who poisoned the two iconic oak trees at Toomer’s Corner where fans gathered for generations after Auburn football games comes to mind, but as a group Kentucky fans are rabid – and not in a good way.

tweet6Threatening the lives of kids who choose to study and play elsewhere is so far outside the parameters of decent behavior that they border of the mob mentality that causes riots.

I also recall the petulant and boorish behavior Illinois fans and coach Bruce Weber showed Eric Gordon during his year at Indiana after backing off his verbal commitment to the Illini once Mike Davis was fired at Indiana.  It was a heinous example of how unchecked self-immersion can turn good people into idiots.

tweet31Andrew Wiggins is going to Kansas, and reasonable people could care less.  There are fewer and fewer reasonable people among Kentucky fans.  That’s what the school gets for doing a deal with the devil and welcoming a coach who is paid only to win.  Coaches should be hired for their ability to do a lot of different things – teach, lead, mentor, insist on academic excellence, and serve as the public face of the university.  They are fired for not winning.

Oddly, here are an additional comment or two to the Kentucky Sports Radio post that chastised the author of the tweets:

tweet2NotFirst Says:

“These idiots need to die in a fire.”

Hoptownsbeast Says:

“F@#% these guys! We still BBN! Good luck Wiggins! Go Cats, Go Wiggins!”

Otis Says:

“UK has 10,000,000 fans with we’ll say 5% that are complete idiots; or 500,000 fans
UL has 500,000 fans but only 100,000 of those fans are complete idiots.
Which is better?”

tweet1Otis Says:

Wiggins did to UK what Trae Golden did to Jenny Wright

There are nearly 100 comments, and the conversation is amusing if not enlightening.  Some are pleased that the five tweet authors have been outed.  Others are disappointed they are getting publicity.  Some belief that most of the idiots are from other schools.  Many are exceptionally critical of people in Louisville, and others are critical of the anti-Louisville crowd.

The Kentucky fanbase – even those who are trying to congratulate Wiggins are becoming more and more baffled by the source of their anger.  Are they upset because Wiggins opted to go to Kansas, at the morons who blasted Wiggins, the people who published the offending tweets, those who are angry, everyone who lives in Louisville, or a combination of the five subsets.

Reading comments is like watching Curly Howard take the SAT.  You can see the steam rise from their skulls, and finally their heads are going to explode.

By the way, congratulations to Wiggins for making a tough decision.

161 thoughts on “Kentucky Fans Prove Classless in Attacking Andrew Wiggins, and Confused in Responding

  1. BigBlueAces

    Perhaps you shouldn’t put yourself on a high horse? I assume by your vitriol for UK and Calipari that you must choose to worship the legendary Bob Knight? The guy that physically choked his players?

    Also, for someone that apparently utilizes a thesaurus to write his articles, you need to figure out that someone “couldn’t” care less–not “could” care less.

    You are free to go bed down Dan Dakich now.

      1. Random

        Yea you sound like one of the wastes of life that sent out the tweets. Sounds like you are agreeing with them.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      This is the typical UK blather. If you dislike Cal, you must love Knight. Why would one link to the other? I have no love for Knight, and have yet to find a man worth worshipping.

      The words you believe I find in a thesaurus are part of the English language. I’m sure they have one or two courses that deal with words and how they are used at UK.

      And how do you know that I couldn’t care less. Maybe I could.

      1. James

        I just find its funny that UK fans get upset when someone points out their obvious flaws when in fact that is all their fans do to other programs. Prime example is University of Louisville. 99% if not all of them rooted for UK when they won their latest championship, but if you looked. UK fans did nothing but bash UL winning, and belittling the year. A sports program that has a hard time beating my Alma-mater WKU in EVERY sport needs to climb off their high horses.

        1. #fan

          I am a BBN fan and was routing for UL after our horrible season. All I remember seeing on my fb feed was UL fans trashing UK instead of enjoying the great season that they had. All fan bases have some idiot fans and those are the ones that somehow make articles like this one.

          1. Adam

            I am a Louisville fan and did not bash UK. Every team has their good fan base and their bad fan base. Unfortunately, the bad fan base is the one that stands out the most. I understand what the 80-20 rule is and how it is applicable in this rivalry. I also recognize that I should not like that particular fan as opposed to the entire fan base. There are good fans on both sides and I consider myself one of them.

        2. James

          I just find it funny that because a few random fans (btw half of those people arent even UK fans) decide to show out that the whole fan base suffers. If you go to KSR those same people were called out. Every fan base has black sheep fans. To call an entire fan base classless is a joke and makes you irrelevant

        3. Seriously?

          Seriously? 99% of UL fans pulled for UK in 2012? Where do you live? Have you ever been to Planet Red Hoops (google it)? UL fans hate UK more than anything in the world. MAYBE 50% were pulling for UK. But there wasn’t 99% of the WKU fan base pulling for UK, much less UL. Keep telling yourself that UK is the only bad fanbase. Nevermind the guy in SF that was beat to within an inch of his life after a baseball game. How about the two gay guys beat unconscious this last week after a game? Get off your high horse.

        4. Jomama

          I live in Louisville….some of the older generation fans lets say older than 50 were rooting for uk…..none of the other fans were. The hate for uk here is great…its how it should be with rivalry teams…..i can honestly say i rooted for louisville when not playing uk growing up as i lived in lexington…but not after moving to louisville. the hate/inferiority complex of louisville fans regarding basketball is tough to deal with on a daily basis

        1. kentsterling Post author

          Not often. There are times when I get out and gather facts. More often than not, I write my opinion about an already reported set of facts. My posts are more like talk radio segments than anything you might find in a newspaper – other than the work of columnists.

      2. Kentucky Parent

        You know what is really sad?

        The big blue nation you love to bash actually owns you. Anyone who trolls Kentucky Sports Radio every day just to find a tidbit about UK to bash with is so filled with hatred that you are owned by what you hate.

        You are pathetic.

        Guess I better go brush my tooth and check the air in the tires on my trailer right baboon boy???

        1. kentsterling Post author

          Your kid might want to change disciplines to psychiatry.

          Not that I owe your manic soliloquy any rebuttal, but of every 1,000 posts, four might be about Kentucky basketball, and two of those are positive. I read Kentucky Sports Radio once in awhile because Matt does an excellent job of covering UK. He was just a guy dissatisfied with the level of coverage given UK in Louisville, and he did something about it. Great initiative, and he changed a city’s tired excuse for sportstalk radio. I admire his work.

          I hope you learn to relax a bit, although I’ve read about many doctors who were prompted to study medicine to help their parents. Maybe your unhinged ire served as motivation. In any case, congratulations.

    1. Ray Finkle

      Well Dave, journalists report facts to the masses.

      This is simply documentation of the well known fact that Kentucky fans are the epitome of classless, inbred, piles of horse excrement scooped up from area stables and collectively formed into clusters of insufferable wastes of space, babbling incessantly about the false greatness of their program – which is being led by a coach who has left nothing but scandals and vacated wins in his wake, which, suits their joke of a University, and joke of a fanbase well.

      So yes, this is a relevant piece of journalism.

      1. James

        This is absolutely not relevant. Calipari does all of the things that this hack says coaches need to do. He does way more than “just win.” The fact that this poor writer chooses to ignore those facts makes this completely irrelevant and biased

        1. Ray Finkle

          “Calapari does all the things he needs to do!?”

          The University of Massachusetts, and the University of Memphis strongly object.

          1. David

            Mr. Finkle,

            You’ve obviously have never been to a football game ever.. In the SEC, Kentucky actually has one of the more pleasant fan bases, along with Arkansas. Vandy fans don’t count because most don’t bother to show up.

      2. John

        Mr. Finkle.

        I regret the lack of great American Novelists. Your imagery is actually pungent. Whay don’t you forward your email to Random House?

  2. UK

    “That’s what the school gets for doing a deal with the devil and welcoming a coach who is paid only to win. Coaches should be hired for their ability to do a lot of different things – teach, lead, mentor, insist on academic excellence, and serve as the public face of the university.”

    I guess you’re saying Calipari doesn’t do this? Saying other coaches in NCAA aren’t hired to win? I’m sure Self was hired to inspire academic excellence, right?

    Overall, ignorant post. To say UK is the only school that fits this bill is moronic. Some fans might act pitiful, but that is true for all fan bases and all population. Maybe UK has a bigger fanbase, but proportionally the same to other schools in the sense of ignorant fans.

    By the way, UK’s basketball team had a 3.4 GPA this past year. I would say that there has been an emphasis placed on academics there, wouldn’t you? What was Indiana’s?

    1. UK

      And I would add, Indiana fans were pretty similar AFTER a win against UK two seasons ago. No populace is immune to a few bad apples. Sad that you can’t realize this. Ignorant reporting.

    2. kentsterling Post author

      Who’s talking about Indiana? I never said Kentucky is the only school that fits the bill, but it is the fan base that best fits it.

      When Eric Bledsoe, DeMarcus Cousins, John Wall, and Marquis Teague return to Lexington to pick up their degrees, I’ll stop writing about UK academics. Hell, I got a 3.4 one semester taking History of Film and East Asian Studies along with two courses in my major. Anyone can rig the system to keep kids rolling along academically. That’s not to demean the work that the kids we don’t see play a lot do. They shouldn’t be damned by association.

      Coaches should be hired because of their ability to win in addition to all that other stuff. They are fired solely because they don’t win. There’s nuance in that.

      Indiana’s academics are pretty good. The Hoosiers led the Big Ten with six basketball players named to the all-academic team, and Cody Zeller and Jordan Hulls were named NABC All-Americans.

      1. ZZZZZ

        You’re bashing Coach Cal for not having players stay long enough to get a degree. This hurts the integrity of college athletics more than North Carolina offering fake classes to pass athletes along or Kansas players receiving improper benefits (Selby and McLemore)? Kentucky is seen as a place, under coach Cal, that gets players to the next level of basketball. UK attracts players that want to be professional basketball players. They don’t want to be accountants, engineers, or writers. UK basketball is the equivalent of Havard Business school in the academic world as far as preparing these kids for the future career that they have chosen for their self. Cal is not making these kids leave for the NBA. These kids primary goal in life is to become an NBA player and they see UK as a stepping stone to get to their dream. These kids are going to go pro after one year regardless of the they attend school. Why would you not go pro if you were good enough and that was your dream. UK is not the only program that utilizes one-and-dones. This year you have UCLA (Shabazz) and UNLV (Bennett). The ones that stay for their soph year but leave after that for the NBA still do not have a degree (Cody Zeller, Trey Burke, Otto Porter, ect.). Cal is not ruining the college athletics any more than any other program in the country. College athletics is already corrupt. All he is doing is getting kids that want to play in the NBA and helping reach their goals while winning games for UK.

        1. kentsterling Post author

          Cal is profiting to the tune of $5.2M per year because kids who should already be in the NBA if not for the ridiculous one-and-done rule. That specific behavior does not break NCAA rules, but it violates the basic tenet of any four-year university.

          Kentucky is not the only school that uses one-and-dones, not close. But it is the only school whose success is entirely due to them. Kentucky is not a stepping stone, it’s an unnecessary way station that draws eight-month college students because David Stern and the NBA owners want the max contract to start a year later for the best of the best.

          UK is nothing more than a purgatory for a kid like John Wall – an unavoidable distraction that requires his patience because Stern and his pals mandate that a pause button be hit on their careers and ability to earn.

          Kansas is the same thing for Wiggins, and perhaps Indiana for Noah Vonleh. It’s not against the rules, but to extract $5.2M from Kentucky because of the ability to attract these kids – who are more campers than students – is morally bankrupt.

          1. ZZZZZ

            Kansas will have 3 starting freshman next year, the same as Kentucky. Just because you are blinded by your hatred for all things Cal and Kentucky does not mean that it is morally bankrupt. It is how things are in the college game. If anything college athletics are morally bankrupt. Before Cal got to Kentucky IU did the same thing (Eric Gordan) only they got caught cheating. Do you think he values getting his degree from IU? OSU went to the finals because of Greg Oden and Mike Conley jr. I’m sure they both want to go back to school for their degrees. Cal took that model and expanded upon it. To say Kentucky would not be successful without the one and done rule is ignorant. UK is the only school to have 5 different coaches win a national title. College are profiting from these kids free labor. Most colleges make the majority of their money from football. College athletics are what provides the universities with the money to build new buildings, classrooms, and so on. The better you are at basketball or football, the more money you make and the more money you can spend on your school.

            Also Maryland student section chanted “We rapped your sister” during a free throw J.J. Reddick was taking in 2003 or 20004. Every fan base has a group of terrible fans that would rather hate on the other team than actually enjoy cheering for their own. I agree UK fans are too attached with the basketball being part of their own identity but to lump all of them into one category simply because a few fans, some not even Kentucky fans, state hateful things to a kid. This is how society is being able to hide behind social media and hate on someone else. Much like fans commenting on this section. I would argue that the Maryland incident was even worse because it was done in person and the intent was to let J.J. know that they absolutely hated him. To say you have no dog in this race is stupid because you worte this article to take a jab at the UK fan base and at coach cal because you hate them so much. That is fine and you have every right to but to say you could careless is not true. If anything your happy Kentucky fans did it so you get to point out their flaws. You state that you hate Kentucky fans because we rip on everyone and do so in a manner that we are beyond reproach. However, you cite a blog entry where UK fans are outraged by some of their own giving hell to Wiggins. I believe that they are calling out their own showing that they are not beyond reproach.

          2. kentsterling Post author

            I have never written or said that I hate anyone. Do I respect Calipari and the Kentucky fan base? No, I don’t. I think it’s wrong to abuse a rule, blame the rule, and then cash checks to the tune of $5.2M plus bonuses because of excellence with which you abuse the rule.

            To claim the the legally allowed moral low ground, and then extoll your virtue because the rule isn’t as well utilized by others is circular logic that may allow you to enjoy watching Kentucky basketball, but is still repugnant.

            The sweetness of victory may cover the smell of bunches of kids running through Camp Cal for their eight month stay, but that doesn’t make it right.

            Anyone who goes after a kid playing ball for nothing is beyond help. I’ve never written a negative word about any college basketball player.

          3. Andrea

            You’re right, UK’s entire success is completely based on the one and dones. Actually, we have won ONE national title out of our EIGHT (thats right, 8) with one and dones. Don’t tell me that you wouldn’t give your left nut to have these type of athletes play for your school and win national titles-even if they were leaving for the NBA after one year. Ridiculous.

          4. kentsterling Post author

            My left nut is hallowed ground, and it would never be given for any reward – certainly not to sway the result of a college basketball game. I loan it to my wife occasionally, but that’s a story for another time.

            I would like college students to play college basketball. That seems logical in states that don’t start with a K.

          5. ZZZZZ

            I’m trying to understand this. So if you are a college basketball coach and you are recruiting a kid that is a program changing recruit. He will be a one-and-done player. The benefits of this recruit coming is job security for you along with validation in your profession by 1) being able to develop players for the NBA and 2) possibly winning a championship, a long with other benefits (more media exposure, more revenue for the school, better recruits taking notice, more job offers, ect.). You would not want this player because it is not morally right. You would rather recruit a player who would be less talented, but would be at your university long enough to graduate with a degree the school has more than likely decided for them. If this is what you would do and stick to your morals then I guess you are a better man than I.

            I just don’t understand how doing your job the best you can (Recruiting the best players you can get and winning games) is morally wrong and I guess that is where we differ in opinion. Coaches are not hired to have the highest education rate but rather to have and acceptable graduation rate while winning as many games as possible (At least in my opinion). I say acceptable rate because you have to balance getting the best players possible and winning games with not getting the school in trouble with the NCAA for poor academic performance.

            This is the all inclusive reality of college athletics. Just take a look at North Carolina having fake classes and degrees to push athletes along. USC buying Reggie Bush a house. Auburn paying football players to return to school/go to their school to win football games. Miami using the leader of a ponzi scheme to fund their football and basketball recruiting efforts. All I am trying to get out of you is the reason you are solely just discussed with Cal while other colleges are making even a bigger joke of college athletics and the term “Student Athlete”. Is it solely because you do not like Cal and Kentucky? Why are you not up in arms about the other schools?

            If you really hate the One and Done rule what is your opinion of the 5th year transfer in football and basketball? A player that graduated and has one year left of eligibility can essentially become a free agent and go to another team for that last year. How is this not just as morally corrupt as the one and done rule. These kids are taking at the most 6 credit hours during that semester.

          6. kentsterling Post author

            My feelings about Kentucky and the one-and-done player is a bit more complicated than “I hate the rule and all who take a one-and-done kid.” That’s not how I feel at all.

            Kentucky grabs these kids by the bucket load each year – to the point where it appears to be the overriding recruiting strategy. You could argue that if one is good, two is great, and on and on. We would be seeing the same thing, but I would be reading something a little more sinister into it than you would.

            Would it make sense for Calipari to enforce some artificial limit on top 10 recruits? No. Would it make sense for Calipari to tell UK he will be paid much less money because the kids aren’t allowed to profit from their success? No. That doesn’t mean I need to support any of it, or forfeit my desire to be critical of it.

            The system is broken, and that broken system rains cash down on Calipari like he’s a yearly lottery winner for corralling the best players for an eight month tour of Bluegrass Country.

          7. ZZZZZ

            Also, Jim Calhoun at UCONN in his last season had a team preform so poorly in school that the following year they could not participate in the NCAA tournament. How is this not worse than Calipari having players go pro? The players that stay in college are still as disinterested as the ones that come for one year. Players that stay for 2 years still do not have a degree when they leave for the NBA.

            Just to correct you from an early post too. John Wall was a 5th year senior in high school. This means he had the opportunity to go to the pros straight out of high school because he attended a prep school. To say that Kentucky was a purgatory for him is simply not true. He chose to go to college over going pro.

          8. kentsterling Post author

            Not true about Wall. To be NBA draft eligible, a player’s high school class must have graduated the year prior to the draft. Had Wall graduated from Garner Magnet High School before enrolling at Word of God, he would have been eligible. Eligibility isn’t determined solely based upon age or a four year clock that starts at the beginning of a high school enrollment.

            Wall says that he promised his Dad that he would attend at least one year of college before going to the NBA, but that promise was moot because of eligibility rules.

            Totally agree regarding UConn and Calhoun, and wrote that at the time.

          9. ZZZZZ

            No doubt I can see the merits of your argument more. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question so that I might understand where your coming from. While I am biased being a Kentucky fan myself, I can see why you dislike Cal (trying to put myself in your shoes). At first seemed like just blind hatred for all things Cal and Kentucky. I can see you have logical reasons for it.

          10. Kentucky Parent

            A purgatory? My kid that just graduated from there and is headed to medical school calls you a bloated Neanderthal dumbass. Just because UK takes advantage of a rule they didn’t create makes the school purgatory?

            Go screw yourself Kent

            You are a moron

          11. kentsterling Post author

            It’s a purgatory for the basketball players for to wait to head to the NBA, you pedantic, self-righteous boob.

            And I’m not bloated.

    3. Steve

      Wow not sure bringing IU into the conversation on academics was wise. Graduated five guys this past month and a sixth will graduate at the end of the summer.

      One player with a Masters in 4-years, one graduated in 3-years with a Bachelors, and one player will graduate with a degree from one the most prestigious business schools in America and do so in just 2.5 years!!!!

      Again…not a wise attempt at deflection.

      1. Dave / New Mexico

        Speaking of education…
        Where did you get yours? Or should I say, lack thereof.

  3. Stanley Kubrick

    Awesome journalism. Only one of those tweets has proof of any connection to a Kentucky fan. And I’m sure no one in the history of twitter has made up an account to make opposing fans look bad. Fool.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      When the fans of other schools are needed to make Kentucky fans look like idiots, that will be a very good day for Kentucky. By the way, I didn’t forage for the tweets. They came from a post. You don’t like them, take it up with Matt.

      1. Not Otis

        Wow, you used one of my comments when I pretended to be Otis. Lol! Fans from other fanbases troll on to other sites and pretend they’re UK fans to make us look bad. Yes our fanbase has idiots, but don’t even pretend that your’s doesn’t.

  4. Randall Bond

    UK (not real name)

    in response to your comment – Bill Self was hired to win, that is most certainly true, but KU is one of the leaders in the Nation for D-1 schools graduation rates and academic progress.

    Where does UK rank on that list?

    It’s just funny to Kansas fans now. When Randle chose UK I cannot recall one bad tweet or comment, in fact, most of the Kansas fans I know tweeted him to congratulate him and wish him well.

    You have all (but one) of the top ranked recruits at every position, and either the #2 or #3 in back up roles. I have no idea (nor does the rest of the nation) why nearly your entire fan base is so upset. In my view, it’s like telling all the other recruits they weren’t good enough … that all you cared about was Wiggins.

    1. James

      You literally dont have a clue. There was a lot of vitriol directed towards Randle from KU fans. And UK’s team GPA is 3.4. Also you dont have any idea…about anything. The entire fanbase isnt upset. Most people are glad the process is over. Please actually understand what you are talking about before you comment.

  5. Brad

    How about you take it from someone that lives in Louisville, whom “COULDN’T” care less about either UK or UL sports…
    You’re all insane. You’re defending an idiotic statement with another idiotic statement, and by pointing out the hostility in one group you’ve brought out the hostility in the other. No one that has anything to do with this article is any better than anyone else. Grow up.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      Totally disagree. I am better because I don’t give a damn about anyone but the kids and their treatment by the schools and their fans. The work their asses off, and for nothing but an education over which they have no control – at many schools. Or in the case of Kentucky, that the one-and-dones have no interest in.

      1. ZZZZZ

        So do you think Wiggins will get his degree from Kansas? Shabazz sure looks like he cared about getting his degree from UCLA. Same with Bennett from UNLV. Micheal Beasley really wants his degree from Kansas State along with Carmelo Anthony from SU. Kids that want to be professional basketball players and are good enough to do so will leave college after one year regardless of where they go to school. Kentucky just uses it to its advantage. Every team in the country would want Julius Randle, the Harrison Twins, James Young, ect. If they went to another school they would still not be interested in education but rather going to the NBA after one year. The problem you have with Kentucky using the One and Done rule is not a problem with Kentucky but rather with the NCAA and NBA. These kids would go pro out of high school if they could. However, you are say that this is not true because UK is the only school that practices the one and done philosophy. UK is sickening because they get more of these types of players than any other school. The One and Done rule is not just a Kentucky phenomenon. It occurs throughout the NCAA.

  6. Heater

    You could find examples of these types of fans in any school. But you choose to single out UK. Why? Because that’s probably the only way you can get hits on your articles.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      Kentucky has so many of these types of fans, they define the stereotype of college basketball zealots. I could care less about ‘hits’. I write for my own amusement.

      1. James

        UK has more fans than anyone therefor they will have more bad eggs. You have zero evidence besides a few tweets to claim UK has any more than any other fanbase. It’s a good thing anyone can write these days.

  7. Jon Bradley

    Booing Eric Gordan when he came to Champaign-Urbana to play is hardly in the same class of behaviors as the “tweeting” behavior of UK fans.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      Agreed there are different levels of boorishness, but the behavior of Bruce Weber was ridiculous.

  8. Tracy Sunley

    I am a die-hard UK fan and yes, I wanted Wiggins, but he had to make the choice that was in HIS best interest, not UK’s, Kansas’s, UNC’s or anybody else’s. That being said, there are some UK fans that are obviously mentally challenged and lack sportsmanship and class and this is most definitely a sampling of them. However, I’ve seen FAR more support for Wiggins from UK fans than comments such as these and lumping ALL UK fans in this group shows ignorance on your part, Mr. Sterling. EVERY fan base has their share of mornonic fans. You claim to be an “unbiased” source for sports news yet this article is nothing BUT biased against UK and their fans! Shame on you Mr. Sterling for blasting an entire fan base based on the comments of a select few. That makes you no better than them in my book!! Congratulations and Best of Luck to Wiggins on what I’m sure was a very difficult decision 🙂

  9. John

    Kent, sweet article. Nice job on cherry picking twitter and finding vile tweets by UK fans. I’m sure every UNC had nothing but nice things to express via social media, after Wiggin’s decision. It is frightening how the internet gave a voice to so many fools. What is more frightening is that those fools may gain a following. In the digital age, on the web, every idiot has a voice and this article is proof. The UK obsession is strong with this one.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      The tweets were culled from, who generally do a very good job of covering UK. Thought they would be a better source.

      Twitter is a lot like karaoke – giving a microphone to everyone can make for a long night.

      1. Biff

        Kentucky Sports Radio picked up on a few tweets from our fanbase in an effort to discourage additional people doing the same thing and to give less cover to the rival fans doing it. The fact is UK fans are more passionate than most fanbases (not how we dominate so many online polls). We may have more idiot fans. But we also get targeted more and put under a magnifying glass. If UNC or Duke got a 10th of the media and rival fan attention UK did, they’d both be on probation right now and UNC might have gotten the death penalty. Kansas would also be dominating websites with more talk of a certain AAU coach investigation instead of talk of the #1 recruit commiting.

        Other fan sites, such as for UNC, FSU, or the sites that have blasted UK recruits for years, do what they can to hide anything negative about their team, while still blasting Cal as a filthy cheater.

        1. kentsterling Post author

          They are wrong to hammer Calipari for cheating. I have no evidence that he was complicit in any cheating. That may be part of his genius, but if the NCAA had any suspicion of rules being broken in Lexington, there would be a dozen investigators interviewing people from Hazard to Owensboro.

  10. Larry Settle

    This is “written” by a classless and talentless “writer” who has to resort to insults to get anyone to read his “material”.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      I don’t have to “resort to insults.” I tell the truth. If you take that as an insult, I have no problem with that.

  11. Philboyd Studge


    You have brought all your powers of reasoning and sophistication to this piece. Congratulations.

    A few people who may or may not even be Kentucky fans throw up some tweets, and from that you make fatuous, gratuitous generalizations about a fan base that is broader, deeper and more knowledgeable than any in the country.

    I know a psychiatrist who also happens to be a Kentucky fan. He has a theory that Indiana fans have the psychological make up of physically or sexually abused children, the result of failures that have piled up higher and higher since 1987. Those include the national humiliation of Bobby Knight’s antics, losing 17 times in 20 years to Kentucky, Mike Davis’ buffoonery, the disgrace of major NCAA sanctions and probation under Sampson, three straight 20 loss seasons under Tom Crean and so on.

    Now, it would be easy to agree with that — after all, the symptoms are there writ large; the crushing insecurity that triggers irrational outbursts toward your betters, the viciousness when grouped together in Assembly Hall when Kentucky visits, the sullen, whipped dog demeanor after every year’s ultimate failure, including this year.

    But I counsel my friend not to lump Indiana fans together. Some day he might meet one who does not fit that profile, and be forced to reconsider.

    You, however, are not the exception Kent. As you have proven with this lamentable nonsense, you fit the diagnosis precisely.

    1. Dave / New Mexico

      Yeah Philboyd, good points, but you must remember…
      Kent is a respected journalist. (snicker)

    2. kentsterling Post author

      Your psychiatrist friend, whom I hope is a literary device, has missed the mark. Indiana fans do not invest nearly as heavily in the fortunes of the Hoosiers as do Wildcat fans.

      As for me, I am every bit as capable of enjoying the artistry and speed of John Wall as I am the precision shooting of Jordan Hulls. My issue, as has always been the case is with John Calipari’s relentless pursuit of kids who have no interest in earning a degree, the University of Kentucky’s decision to pay Calipari an obscene amount of money, and the fans who wake up dreaming of 18-year-olds committing to their favorite school.

      I cared exactly the same amount about where Wiggins committed today as I did where Cody Zeller did two-and-a-half years ago.

      The Kentucky fans’ shell game that avoids looking at the ugly reality of their behavior is what makes the constant crowing about the flaws of every other “Nation” – or whatever you want to call it – repetitive and difficult to take seriously.

      1. Philboyd Studge

        Not surprisingly, you miss the point Kent, that it is moronic to make generalizations about Kentucky fans based on a few tweets. I’d hope Indiana fans wouldn’t all want to be identified with the howling, foul-mouthed and violent cretins who embarrassed the university during the December 2011 game against Kentucky — even though that did happen with Tom Crean’s instigation and with the university’s lack of institutional responsibility so it was far more egregious than random tweets.

      2. Andrea

        Are you kidding? They cut down nets after losing games, they hand out sweet 16 rings? who does that? Not schools with winning traditions. And actually, Indiana is supposed to be one of those schools.

  12. Washhh

    It comes as no surprise at all that Kentucky fans are doing this to an innocent kid just making a decision on where he wants to attend college….something Kentucky fans are clueless about. They act like they don’t have any talent coming in next year. They’re going to have 100 more 1-and-dones next year as PayPalCal has worked his magic…again. When you’re wishing injuries and to be burned in hell on a kid just because he wants to play basketball and get an education, that’s when you need to stfu and take your toothless self back to your trailer and get back to banging your sister.

      1. kentsterling Post author

        Loyola-Chicago when my son played there. How do I know? I like watching kids play who I have reason to believe are solid kids. There are plenty of UK kids on that list.

  13. Penny Chance

    It is unfortunate that you want to lump all Kentucky Wildcat fans in with the idiots who made these comments. UK is an excellent learning institution and an outstanding basketball program.

  14. Jesse

    I find it funny how fans of other sports point out the idiots of one team and lump the whole group together. Let us be brutally honest with one another. Fans, short for Fanatic, come in all degree and believe they have the best team. If you don’t then why are you rooting for them? I have seen it all on every team, the good the bad and the damn right ugly! These UK fans are just that. Yet this is what we are now seeing in out politics, all or nothing. So, here is the deal. Love the sport, love a team, love every human that plays. Be humble in wins and humble in defeat. Play like it your last game, watch it like there another one in five minutes. Champs come and go they change almost every year. Players come and go and a team rises and falls on these players and so what? Time changes.

  15. TxCollegeBBall

    Pretty easy to see the trend UK’s slimy coach encourages, the special guest at A Wiggins announcement today ( Drake a UK puppet used at will by Slimy ) conveniently canceled his show/appearence. Here’s a salute to the MUD on UK’s face today!

  16. BBN

    It’s amazing how one troll can sit atop his soapbox and cast aspersions on an entire fan base because of a few salty tweets sent out by teenage boys (Teenagers saying stupid things on Twitter of all places? Oh, the humanity!) You know who else casts aspersions on entire groups of people they mostly don’t even know? Bigots.

    KU fans blasted Julius Randle for picking Kentucky (fact), and UNC fans blasted Andrew Wiggins, too (also a fact). The tweets are out there. Just like the vast majority of Louisville fans blasted Kentucky when it won the championship two years ago (the U of L fan saying they all rooted for Kentucky is just as clueless as the troll who wrote this desperate cry for attention and hits).

    Personally, I couldn’t care less (see how that works? “Could care less” = you care; “couldn’t care less” = you don’t care) what the troll who authored this bigoted hack piece thinks. And no one else should, either.

    And, yes, the Kentucky fan base is known as the Big Blue Nation, which the troll also attacks. So how about the site What about the “Planet Red” moniker Louisville fans use. There are about a million other nicknames fan bases use to refer to themselves, yet he attacks only Kentucky fans, probably while sitting in his candy striped clown pants.

    You know why (sour grapes, mostly)? Because he has an agenda and an axe to grind. He’s an Indiana fan, which automatically means any shred of journalistic integrity goes out the window when he writes about his team’s bitter rival (well, it used to be a rivalry until Indiana became the nail and UK the hammer about two decades ago).

    1. kentsterling Post author

      So, now Kentucky fans represent a picked upon minority? What a fascinatingly delusional take. Nowhere did anyone write that ALL Kentucky fans are idiots, just that Kentucky fans are. It’s like writing “Lexington residents picketing against nail salon that refuses to paint UK logo on toes.” That doesn’t imply that every person in Lexington picketed – or even wanted the UK logo on their toenails.

      As far as being an Indiana fan – I am not a fan of any team or school. I like to watch good kids play basketball, and enjoyed watching Patrick Peterson as much as Victor Oladipo.

      If you want to take the easy way and attack, go ahead, but a good hard look in the mirror is warranted by a group that takes success on the basketball court way too seriously. That doesn’t exclude the other schools with similar groups, just singles out the one that is consistently the worst.

      1. BBN

        A typical, backtracking and cowardly response. “I’m not saying ALL Kentucky fans are idiots, just that Kentucky fans are.” What a genius observation! You what? I bet there are Duke fans who are idiots, too. And the you know what else? The sky is blue!

        And if you didn’t mean ALL, then where exactly did you type “some Kentucky fans” or even “most Kentucky fans”? You wrote this hack piece, so own it. You attacked the entire fan base and you know it, so don’t try to deflect with your ridiculous nail salon comparison. Once again, pure genius!

        The fact is the vast majority of Kentucky fans are great people who care about their team and so much more. Yet, and I’ll say it again, you take the idiotic tweets of a few teenage boys and paint the entire fan base with your bigoted brush.

        And I wasn’t attacking you. You “attacked” every Kentucky fan on the planet, and I called you a troll because you are trolling (maybe look that one up since you don’t quite understand its meaning).

        Good day, sir. You’ll be getting no more hits from me.

        1. kentsterling Post author

          You’ll be back because you enjoy being angry.

          I don’t troll. That you kooks keep popping back here to comment is not my fault. Traffic is meaningless to me.

          You say that “the vast majority of Kentucky fans are great people.” That’s quite a broad brush you are using. Maybe the level at which you evaluate greatness is lower than most. I’ve met a lot of people in my life, and would judge few of them as great. Most are good.

          There are idiots everywhere, as you prove with each comment you write.

  17. BBN

    I find this especially hilarious: “Indiana fans do not invest nearly as heavily in the fortunes of the Hoosiers as do Wildcat fans.”

    What planet do you live on? I know plenty of Indiana fans (one of my closest friends is one), and they are absolutely just as fervent/passionate about their team. Who exactly are you trying to fool?

  18. Rozay

    So when will your post be going up about Kansas fans blasting Julius Randle all over Twitter, their forums, and his Instagram account back when he committed to UK?

    Or the UNC and FSU fans trashing Wiggins on twitter today?

    Oh, right, there won’t be any posts of the sort because you don’t know how to do your job correctly. I mean you could at least hide your bizarre bias against UK a bit better, though I suppose you aren’t intelligent enough to do that.

    1. Rozay

      Also, you seem to be very interested in these kids getting degrees. I wonder what subject Andrew Wiggins well get his degree in at Kansas? Maybe he could receive some advice from Ben McLemore on what he studied for his degree. I hear Kansas has a great business program.

      1. Rozay

        Oh my, I wish I had read your post previous to this one before my initial comment. Bashing UK and praising the other three schools Wiggins had narrowed his list down to (what a shocker!).

        This tidbit in particular has me in stitches:

        “Speaking of college students, you will be one at UNC. You will go to classes, and actually learn things.”

        UNC! A school going through an academic scandal due to fake classes that they allowed their athletes to take! That’s the funniest thing I’ve read all week.

        I like you, Kent. I may have to keep reading your site after all this. You certainly aren’t the brightest guy out there, but I feel like you really mean what you write. I can respect. I just hope your posts are always this funny and entertaining. UNC, “student athletes”, classic!

    2. kentsterling Post author

      I set out to write about all three fan bases, but could not find any examples of Wiggins being bashed by Florida State or UNC zealots.

      1. Rozay

        You and I both know that’s not true, Kent. Stop with that nonsense.

        I googled “fans bashing Andrew Wiggins” and found this from a Florida State fan in about 15 seconds:

        “Well I hope Wiggins tears his ACL. #sorrynotsorry #FSU #hesucksanyway”

        You and I both know that this sort of despicable behavior is all over the place. I despise that it is present in UK’s fanbase, trust me, I do. There’s no place for it and it’s the worst aspect of social media. That douche bags on the Internet feel tough at the thought of their bile being seen directly by their target. But you aren’t helping the issue at all with the way you’re covering it.

        Honestly, you’re hardly covering it all. You’re covering UK’s fanbase. If you were truly against this sort of behavior then it seems like you would be willing to examine it as a whole and from all angles. Like a quality writer would. But we both know that isn’t what you’re doing with your intensely anti-UK posts. Did Indiana fans get a post of their own when they were nothing short of vicious towards Trey Lyles after he decommitted? Something tells me the answer is no. How quickly IU fans forgot about Eric Gordon, eh?

        If you truly mean well then I tip my hat to you and simply ask that you try and look at this with a more comprehensive point of view in the future. It might get some actual good discussion going about this shameful behavior from fans. As opposed to what’s going on now, with most of the comments being about Kentucky and their fans after you drew attention to them and away from the original issue.

        Not all of Kentucky’s fans are camping on twitter waiting to rip into 18 year old kids. You may not want to believe that, but it’s true. Hell, I don’t even have a twitter account!

        1. kentsterling Post author

          To be honest, I lived in St. Louis from June, 2011 to March, 2013, and the Lyles decommit was not on my radar. Now, I’m back in Indy, and if Indiana fans – or any fans misbehave, they will get similar treatment here.

          Kids deserve to enjoy their college years as much as they can given the academic and athletic pressures of being a college basketball player.

        2. Dave / New Mexico

          He does NOT mean well. Don’t even entertain that notion. Sterling is a hack plain and simple.

          1. kentsterling Post author

            Do not go toward the light, Carol Anne! Stay away from the light! Sterling is evil!

  19. Dru Down

    UK fans all thought Cal was a cheater when he was at Memphis. Matt Jones himself said he knew for a fact he was a cheater. But, when he took the uahk job he somehow became a saint. I would expect nothing else from those hillbillies.

    1. Rozay

      Patently false, I assure you. Matt Jones does not speak for the millions of Kentucky fans out there. Just like the Kansas fans who attacked Julius Randle after his commitment do not represent the entire Jayhawks fanbase, or the FSU fans attacking Wiggins do not represent the entire FSU fanbase.

      When Calipari was at Memphis and UK was closing the book on the dreaded Billy Gillespie saga I had no ill feelings towards Calipari. You can bet your you-know-what that I was ecstatic when the rumors about Calipari heading to UK began to surface.

      I’m really left baffled by the willingness of people to jump to sweeping conclusions about basically anything.

    2. Donnie

      So your not a kentucky fan yet you know what Matt jones said years ago before Cal was there. So you follow ky more than your own team. How goes the hateraid taste. Drink it up.

  20. GettinLuckyInKentucky

    Can we all agree the reason UK fans are morons is that they all have ties to the State of Kentucky, the worst state in the Union? If they didn’t focus on sports, they would have to focus on high rates of illiteracy, high rates of poverty, a crumbling welfare system, that most of them are on, rampant drug use, and pretty much a bleak future.

  21. Biff

    If only there were clear evidence of hateful tweets from other fans, not to mention hateful tweets from Kansas fans to Randle after he picked UK. Then we could compare those and show that UK isn’t the only school with idiot fans.

    Fortunately, no fans of those schools have ever done that. Only UK fans do it, and people don’t go looking for UK fans to target instead of other fans. UK fans just do it obviously and are the only ones who do it. Also, fortunately rival fans never act like UK fans to give them a bad name. No Louisville or Indiana fan has ever, ever done that. They don’t troll UK sites either.

    In case your deductive reasoning is as weak as your reporting, that was all sarcasm.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      Actually, my jump shot is as weak as my wife’s coffee, but that has nothing to do with sarcasm, deductive reasoning, or my reporting strength.

      By the way, none of what I wrote did I report, so I think your definition of reporting is also as weak as my wife’s coffee.

      Reporting involves gathering facts. What I do more often is take a set of facts and write my perspective.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      I don’t think that’s entirely accurate. Kentucky is known because they win. Some basketball fans have no respect for them because of a litany of abuses that stretch back to the Korean War and have continued with brief runs of decency – as with the Tubby Smith era.

        1. kentsterling Post author

          I don’t have a team. I like individual players whose work I respect. Sometimes, I get to know a team a little bit and enjoy them – like Butler in 2010 and 2011.

  22. Brad

    Cal’s supposed abuse of the one and done rule to bolster his paycheck (as Mr. Sterling states) is almost as upsetting as a journalist that writes a narrow-minded article aimed directly at one of the largest fanbases in collegiate sports just to gain attention.

    I am a UK fan and do not consider myself to be a “dingbat” as you call me. I’m amazed that you have chosen to label me based on other’s tweets and opinions. Someone who does that is the true definition of a “dingbat”.

    The issue is NOT UK fans…the issue is poor sports fans. Of course UK will always have the most “poor” fans, simply because of the volume of the overall fan base.

    You should be more careful in writing your peices…you may give all journalist a bad name. As you have exhibited, there are some folks that judge the masses by the actions of a few

    1. kentsterling Post author

      More deflection. No reasonable counter thought, just “Hey, this guy wants attention, so he writes mean stuff!” Wrong and wrong. I wrote the truth, and require no attention. I’ve been interested in some of the more thoughtful comments, but bored by most. I would rather have no attention than the attention of oafs.

      1. Andrea

        That’s funny, because you continue to respond to all of these oafs. You thrive off of this attention-isn’t this the reason you wrote the article? Or was it just generalize an entire fan-base based on a few unintelligent individuals?

        1. kentsterling Post author

          I respond because people ask questions, raise hell, or make a cogent remark. That’s what we do here.

  23. GettinLuckyInKentucky

    Kentucky Basketball…the only program to receive the NCAA Death Penalty…TWICE!

    Anyone want to bet it’ll be three times before long?

      1. kentsterling Post author

        Dave’s getting agitated. All caps. Three exclamation points!!! Turn it loose, brother. Get it all out of your system.

    1. Dave / New Mexico

      Gotta hand it to Kent Sterling…
      He knows how to generate interest in what would otherwise be a very uninteresting and seldom read blog. He is nothing and he would be less than nothing without KENTUCKY.

      1. kentsterling Post author

        Actually, I get an amount of traffic that is surprisingly high even to me. I would be less than happy if I were in Kentucky, is what I think you mean.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      Thanks for including the link. It’s an outrage – or should be – that coaches continue to cash checks like that while kids who do the on court work get nothing.

      For the kids who really belong in the NBA to win championships that mean millions for the coach, and hundreds of millions in exposure for the schools, to not get a damn dime is downright evil. That has to do with all schools in the position to win a National Championship, and not just Kentucky and Duke.

      Butler, for example, has gone from a “where the hell is Hinkle Fieldhouse?” place in Indianapolis to an iconic university with a significant national profile. How much was that leap worth to Butler. RG3’s Heisman was worth a quarter of a billion dollars, according to Baylor’s own reckoning. What did Matt Howard get for leading the Bulldogs to back-to-back championship games – a degree that he’s happy to have.

      1. Rozay

        Kent, I have to appreciate you allowing these comments and this allowing this little discourse here (despite my initial hostility).

        I doubt that we see eye to eye on all of the issues surrounding college basketball, whether at Kentucky or elsewhere, but it seems like we both agree that the system we currently have is a weird one and that there are some less than ideal trends running throughout college sports at the moments.

        Thanks for the replies.

  24. nasty32

    Kent, have you received any threats to your life or your families yet for stating the truth about UK and their shady coach or their narrow minded fan base? I bet you have!

    1. kentsterling Post author

      Not because of the recent posts, but last year I had a dozen or so people get pretty specific about bodily harm and/or death. No big deal. All part of the gig, I suppose. The people crazy enough to kill someone they don’t know for a ridiculous reason usually do it close to home.

  25. BBN

    There are obnoxious fans from every school. Whatever school you are a fan of Kent, we could find some pretty negative things about what their fan base has said too. We are use to these kind of articles. Usually written by a fan of a school that is inferior to the BBN and this some kind of way to put UK down to make yourself feel better. Rather elementary. Whatever team you like, I wish them luck next season. God bless!

    1. kentsterling Post author

      I don’t like teams. I like individual kids. There are players I’ve known and if they are good kids, I root for them. Greg Oden was a really good kid. Eric Gordon – good kid. Matt Howard and Zach Hahn – good kids. Victor Oladipo – good kid. Gary Harris – good kid. That doesn’t make me a honk for Ohio State, Indiana, Michigan State, and Butler. If a kid I know as a good guy goes to UK, I’ll like him too. Sam Bowie is a really good guy. I liked him at UK.

          1. BBN

            You must be a huge Nerlens Noel fan then. Have you seen all the great stuff he has done for the community?

          2. Dave / New Mexico

            He’s not interested. That’s why his rants have no credibility and generate little interest unless he is slamming UK.

  26. BBN

    The picture of him at the derby with his special guest (a young child with cancer) that he carried and walked with all day would even move Bobby Knight.
    – See more at:

    1. kentsterling Post author

      I love it. Appears to be a good kid. Hope he does well in the NBA. It will be interesting to see if the Cavs take him #1.

  27. Dave / New Mexico

    If you’ve been searching for the most insignificant UK hate site,
    You’ve found it. Have a large time.

  28. Scottie

    This is @Kent Sterling. Hey boy you better watch what you say about Kentuckians You dumb ass Hoosier peace of shit. Put shit online that your ass can’t cash…. better believe that chief. As far as Wiggins goes, he’s going to be a joke just like the entire State of Indiana, and that losing program you call Indiana basketball.

  29. Dave / New Mexico

    Given the fact that Scottie’s assessment of you is somewhat crude, the general idea is spot on.
    I see your Kentucky hate is still generating some interest. That’s what your brand of yellow journalism is all about…right?

    1. kentsterling Post author

      Maybe it’s “blue” journalism. I’ve said it 39 times here, but it’s a slow day, so what the hell. I feel about Kentucky like I feel about Iowa – total ambivalence. As for the recruiting tactics used at Kentucky, and the pure canard the term “student-athlete” represents at UK, I have vehement negative feelings there.

      You are ascribing my anger to the wrong source. Kentucky is fine by me. I enjoy the state and its people. The basketball program under its current steward is another issue.

      1. Dave / New Mexico

        The way I see it, if you hate Calipari, you hate The University of Kentucky basketball program.
        The vast majority of UK alumni and fans have embraced him as they embrace your hate.
        Remember, your original tirade was against UK FANS in particular.
        I would have more respect for you if you would just come out and admit you are a hack journalist wannabe who preys on UK haters for page rankings.

        1. kentsterling Post author

          Your respect is as important to me as page views statistics. I write about Calipari when prompted by news out of Lexington, or particularly idiotic tweets from fans. If Calipari was the coach at Bellarmine, I would write about what he did there. Kentucky is only relevant as it is they who overpay him – which links he and I, as he views UK as an employer – just as he did UMass, New Jersey, and Memphis before his whistle stop of amorality came to Lexington.

  30. Dave / New Mexico

    I had no idea you held my respect in such high regard. I find it hard to believe you value it as much as your page rankings. But, if you say so…

  31. chris applegate

    Because they use hash tag BBN or UK means they are Kentucky fans right? Simple minded at the very least.

    I was born in northern ky and I’m a life long fan (41 years) and have never wished for a kid to get hurt. I hated christian laettner and duke, can’t stand Louisville nor Indiana. I have never
    ever wished they would get hurt. I wish Mashburn would of punch laettner for stomping on his team mate but oh well.

    I wished Wiggens had chosen UK, who wouldn’t? But he liked Kansas and you have to admire a kid who handling himself respectfully and I hope he does well.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      That’s as close to decency as we are likely to see from a Kentucky fan. You don’t wish anyone injured, but you would have liked for Mashburn to punch Laettner. Alrighty then.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      I have no idea about the way the Indiana fans treated the Lyles Family. I didn’t live here at the time, and I never saw a tweet that was negative. I don’t doubt Lyle’s Mom, but never saw anything like what she reports.

      One thing I do know is that James Blackmon Jr. recommitted to Indiana after decommitting, so I don’t believe Indiana fans were too negative with him. A lot of the credit for keeping Indiana fans from losing their minds goes to Indianapolis radio host who tells people “don’t be Kentucky” after recruits commit elsewhere.

      I have no high horse, and couldn’t care less about where kids commit, decommit, or fail to commit. They’re teenagers for God’s sake. What’s the difference.

        1. kentsterling Post author

          You read what I write selectively, just as is the case for the other Kentucky fans who drift in and out on the site, reading only those posts that annoy you.

          I’ve been plenty critical of Indiana football and basketball, and its fans. You don’t read those posts, so you assume everything written is an attack on Kentucky. The posts pointing out the flaws in John Calipari and the Kentucky basketball program as he operates it probably number eight. The number of posts praising players from Kentucky and the quality of basketball – 12.

          Like most knuckleheads with too much time on your hands, you enjoy being annoyed and seek out those media reports that fit that narrow window.

          1. Dave / New Mexico

            You’re right about one thing. I’m selective in reading what you write. I only read your yellow journalism about UK and Coach Calipari, everything else you write is garbage and not worth the time to read.

      1. BBN

        You have no idea? But I just gave you the links as proof so you can see it for yourself. You have been exposed as the hypocrite you are, and your response is more than enough proof for me. And you’re crediting that bully Dakich for keeping Indiana fans from going crazy with his radio show? That’s beyond laughable. It’s OK for you to bash all Kentucky fans because of a few stupid tweets, but when the shoe is on the IU foot, you have no idea and never saw anything like that, even when the proof is put right in front of your face. You are the definition of a hypocrite, and a clown to boot.

        1. kentsterling Post author

          One of the tweets is from a Louisville fan, another is from a guy in Austin, TX, and a third is from a freshman at IUPUI (not IU). The story with the quote from Lyles mom is another reporter’s work.

          There was one tweet from an IU guy that was way out of line.

          Dan Dakich is relentless in talking about the right way for fans of all schools to behave. Using Kentucky as a blueprint for how passion can go awry seems appropriate.

          Your noise is not worth the effort of a response, but I gave it a shot.

          1. Buckets

            “Dakich is relentless in talking about the right way for fans to behave … ”

            What a joke considering Dakich himself has no idea about the right way to behave. He’s a bully, which isn’t surprising considering his mentor.



            So you’re saying these people aren’t IU fans because one lives in Texas and one goes to IUPUI? Again, laughable (other than the one who is clearly a U of L fan). You are picking and choosing who you bash based on your own biases. You are a hypocrite, sir.

            Matt Jones said on his radio show TODAY that the bile directed at Anthony Davis’ parents during the game at IU was the worst he’s ever heard at any game, but only Kentucky fans are terrible, and Trey Lyles’ mom is a liar. You have been exposed. Yellow journalism indeed. Good day.

          2. kentsterling Post author

            I like Matt Jones, but as I didn’t hear any of the comments about Davis, I have no idea. I have also never spoken or written about the behavior by Kentucky fans during games because my only trip to Rupp was for a Who Concert.

            Dan Dakich did more for the student he invited into the studio than most in broadcasting ever would have. You are saying he’s a bully based upon an episode that was a huge positive for the student. Dan is relentlessly honest and entertaining on-air (which is his job), and exceptionally polite to everyone he meets.

            I pick and choose who I bash based upon what I see, hear, and believe. I never said Lyles’ mom is a liar. I said the work belonged to another reporter. I have never spoken to the woman, and won’t use another reporter’s work as a basis for what I write.

  32. BBN

    “Dan Dakich did more for the student … than most in broadcasting ever would have” because it was the only way he could save face after getting roasted by his peers for being the bully he is. He buried that kid – on air, no less – and only invited him to come on the show because people were and calling him out. And he found the kid’s tweets about him by Twitter searching his own name, which is incredibly narcissistic and totally lame to begin with.

    The fact is, every fan base has its share of bad apples, including Indiana – especially Indiana. Their AD apologized for the horrible behavior of their fans after Kentucky last played there.

    You’re a hypocrite, plain and simple, and I’m done wasting my time commenting on this garbage. You’ll never admit to your biases or do anything but feign ignorance when seeing that IU fans do the exact same thing you blasted all UK fans for in this piece of yellow journalism.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      I never feign ignorance – I admit ignorance. Not quite sure how I could know what I don’t know. During the time I was I St. Louis (6/11-3/13), there was a lot that happened in and at Indiana of which I was not aware.

      I won’t admit to my biases because I have none. You might not agree with my version of the truth, but that doesn’t make it any less the truth as I see it.

      And Dan Dakich does nothing because he gets roasted by his peers – or non-peers.

      I’m glad Fred Glass apologized if there was bad behavior.


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