10 reasons why the Josh Speidel story is the best of the past year

Josh Speidel is greeted at public appearances with standing ovations, and for good reason.

Josh Speidel is greeted at public appearances with standing ovations, and for good reason.

Great guys fighting courageously against adversity is the narrative of every great sports movie.  Rudy, Hoosiers, Bad News Bears, Mr. Carter, Miracle, My All-American, Bend It Like Beckham, Rocky, Hoop Dreams, and every other great sports movie circle that territory.

The story of Josh Speidel, an Indiana All-Star basketball player from Columbus North High School, who 13 months ago was living the dream. trumps Hollywood.

He had his final month of high school basketball and a college career at Vermont to look forward to when the car he was driving last February 1st was involved in an accident that left him in a coma fighting for his life.

Josh continues to fight to recover bit by bit from the brain injury that immediately recalibrated the priorities and goals of a kid and his family on that tragic night just over a year ago.  It has also prompted some much-needed (in my case) internal examination for those who follow his ongoing battle to regain complete functionality.

Here are the 10 reasons Josh’s fight is the best story of the past year:

10 – The Speidels have learned how strong they are.  Thank God I have no idea what it’s like to get the phone call parents fear most – the one telling us to get to the hospital because our child’s life is in danger.  With that call, everything in the Speidels’ life changed.  If the Speidels had dark moments when they questioned their faith, no one could blame them, but we have never gotten wind of any.  By all accounts, they clung together, focused all attention on helping Josh, and continue to move forward in love not bitterness and grief.  No one would ever invite this level of adversity, but learning – as the Speidels have – how deep your reservoir of faith and strength is something few of us ever discover – thankfully.

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9 – Every time we see Josh, he’s a little better.  Seeing Josh graduate high school then spend time with his Indiana All-Star teammates, we saw one Josh.  Then we saw him a couple of weeks ago at a Vermont game, he looked much improved.  The family says he is becoming more and more his old self, and that is great news each time we hear it.

8 – Friends of Josh’s now understand no one is indestructible.  The ignorance of youth brings many dividends – some good and some awful.  Respecting our own bodies and valuing our lives comes late for some.  Because of Josh’s travails, his Columbus North classmates and AAU teammates have a deeper understanding that a life-altering moment can exist around every corner.  Living in fear isn’t the answer.  Living in appreciation is.

7 – #JoshStrong fundraiser has generated $78,002.  With medical calamities come great expenses, and because of a Go Fund Me effort, the Speidel Family has received over $78K to offset expenses, which I am sure will continue to mount.

6 – Every time parents hear Josh’s story, they hug their kids a little longer and tighter.  It takes great discipline to not be annoyed on occasion by your kids.  The episodes of yelling can outpace the i love yous unless we monitor our behavior as closely as we try to control that of our kids.  It’s sad we need Josh to remind us of the fragility of our children, but we should be thankful for everything that prompts us to release the anger and embrace the love we feel for our kids.

5 – Each time someone write about Josh, we hear of more touching generosity.  In Teddy Greenstein’s excellent piece in last Saturday’s Chicago Tribune, we learned of the weekly letters of affirmation former Vermont coach Tom Brennan writes to Josh.  That’s nice, and is hopefully repeated by many others.

4 – The Speidels have learned of the love and compassion we have for each other regardless of proximity.  Of the 585 people to donate to #JoshStrong, it’s likely the Speidel Family has met less than half.  Everywhere Josh goes, people are eager to show him compassion through standing ovations and private messages of hope and strength.

3 – Contrary to most news stories, this one features only good people.  When we watch TV news, we see murder, mayhem, swindles, and a malevolence that motivates fear in our minds toward our fellow man.  Josh’s story does the opposite.  Going through life as a trusting sap is irresponsible, but being reminded that 99% of people we see on the street everyday are good and decent has been a wonderful Josh-prompted reminder.  In Greenstein’s piece, Josh’s Dad is quoted as saying the accident has not been without blessing, “We’ve seen how good people are – their spirit and generosity.”

2 – It has reminded all of us that each day is a gift.  Health is fleeting for us all.  Whether we learn through disease or injury, the lesson of being grateful for today pays each of us a serious visit through afflictions to family, friends, and ourselves.  When we see Josh, we are made aware again of what his life was like prior to that February 1st crash.  Making today your masterpiece is a moral imperative that basketball coaching legend John Wooden extolled relentlessly.  Josh is a walking and talking reminder of that lesson.

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1 – The final chapter might be the best of all.  Brains are mysterious operating systems, and guessing where Josh’s progression might end is impossible.  That means that a nearly full recovery might be the end result, and how wonderful would that be for all who are emotionally invested in Josh’s ongoing challenge?

Kent Sterling hosts the fastest growing sportstalk show in Indianapolis on CBS Sports 1430 every weekday from 3p-6p, and writes about Indiana sports at kentsterling.com.

4 thoughts on “10 reasons why the Josh Speidel story is the best of the past year

  1. Jim

    I am an avid Catamount fan and I have followed Josh ever since he committed to play at UVM, watching whatever game video of him I could find. When I discovered the news of the accident, I was devastated. I am a 74 year old Vermonter and social media challenged, but I joined Facebook and Twitter to follow Josh’s progress on his mom’s site on Facebook mostly. What a strong family of faith and togetherness. That was huge in Josh’s progress I believe and I think it brought me closer not only to my own kids, but a little closer to God also. I have prayed for Josh’s complete recovery every day since the accident, sometimes a couple times a day. Josh has a dream and I am confident he will realize that dream and have written him telling him just that and hoping to encourage him to fight on.
    I am also proud of UVM for the way they have embraced Josh and his family. The coaching staff is terrific and the University guaranteeing Josh’s scholarship whether he played or not was a huge gesture of compassion. Other larger schools would have voided the scholarship and moved on. I’m sure. Josh is going to the right place and if he ever takes the court in the green and gold, the green state will have a golden glow to it. I’m sure of that.
    Jim Williams
    Poultney, Vermont

    1. Kent Sterling Post author

      Very nice of you to share. Social media has its downside, but that I was able to meet you through that lovely comment is one of the chief benefits.

  2. jay

    Good read Kent, thanks.
    Let’s say for instance that Josh did not play basketball, maybe not even any sport and he still suffered that horrific accident. Would anyone have cared or known about him or his situation? Would Dan Dakich beat the war drum as much as he did for him ? Would the local media have blown this up the way it did? Doubt it. Its shame in many ways. The kid was a basketball player with a scholarship going to play college ball ,that’s it. Its an unfortunate set of circumstances. His situation is no more or less tragic than the child(who never played sports) who is sitting in a hospital taking chemo and battling cancer who may never go to college or live to see the next week. Its amazing how much sports and being an athlete trumps many things in ways it never should.

    Lets not just champion the athlete who has fallen on hard times, but remember the others also. The ones who are not athletes who are just as important in Gods eyes and deserve every bit of help. They all have stories and it does not have to have sports involved to make it mentionable.

    1. Kent Sterling Post author

      All true. Good points, but we don’t know those kids. Hosts of sportstalk shows are much more likely to have connections to kids who are or were athletes. A station like WIBC, or even a music station would be a great portal for those other victims who, as you mention, are every bit as deserving of our sympathy and generosity as Josh.


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