Indiana Basketball – Fred Glass goes logical, hires Dayton’s Archie Miller

Archie Miller will be the next basketball coach at Indiana.

Archie Miller might be the perfect guy to lead Indiana basketball to its next era of hanging banners.

His ability to lead may be second only to George Patton.  Those five banners might welcome a sixth and seventh to the rafters at Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall because of his rare genius.

What Miller is definitively not is the sexy choice.

Billy Donovan energized the conversation yesterday as erroneous and hilarious reports swirled that he and his wife visited Bloomington for a round of house hunting.

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Steve Alford was a popular candidate among the traditionalists who yearned for a bridge to IU’s last joyful championship celebration.

Brad Stevens was a pipe dream, but hope in the improbable was made rational by the empty office formerly occupied by Tom Crean.

Even Dane Fife would have brought a youthful and ultra-competitive exuberance as well as a link to the past to Bloomington.

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Miller?  Logical, competent, and clearly the best coach in the Atlantic 10.

Kent Sterling hosts the fastest growing sportstalk show in Indianapolis on CBS Sports 1430 every weekday from 3p-7p, and writes about Indiana sports at

9 thoughts on “Indiana Basketball – Fred Glass goes logical, hires Dayton’s Archie Miller

  1. Jeff Gregory

    Please convince me that this isn’t Crean 2.0. Crean was also an up and comer and highly regarded. Comparing Marquette and Dayton records are pretty similar. At least Crean had prize player Dwayne Wade as an example of his recruiting ability. Please, SOMEONE, convince me that this is a great pick using facts and not opinion. I’m desperate to believe.

    1. Dayton Dave

      Jeff, when Crean was hired just a little research showed that he liked fast break, didn’t value the ball, didn’t get to the line and didn’t emphasize defense. Wade was an anomaly.

      I live in Dayton OH. Have watched Archie Miller at UD. His teams get results…more than expected. Archie doesn’t hype and filibuster. Archie really knows how to take advantage of matchups, not like Crean. UD played a tenacious defense. They got lots of assists and moved the ball in a motion-like half court . But they liked to run too. Blocking out and screens will be coming back to Assembly Hall. Deflections do not count.

      Archie is not flashy. But not like Crean, Archie is a good tactician.

      I’m glad that Glass hired Miller. I’m really glad that Glass didn’t hire some egocentric nut.

      1. Jeff Gregory

        I have learned a lot about Miller since the hire and really like what I have found out. I wish I could have seen Dayton more than I have. I knew Miller was an up and comer but that is pretty much all I knew. So, was Crean, though, at the time.

        The biggest question mark I have is the recruiting. I wish I knew who he was responsible for landing while at OSU, and ARZ.

        All in all, I have grown to love this choice despite it not being what Glass advertised. Thanks for your insights!

  2. Mark

    He played the game as a point guard at NC State . . . I have the utmost confidence that he can teach a team to inbound the ball!!

  3. Joel

    Easy Kent , I would not start talking hanging number 6 and 7 banners. Typical Hoosier fanboy talk . Season has not even started yet.Butler will hang one before the Hoo Hoo Hoosiers. L

  4. Veevland Browns

    Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t ever fear having great coaches in the conference for basketball. Play two games at most per year during the regular season and rarely can one team’s head-to-head match up with another dictate the course of a season. Even when you’re fighting for a conference championship. Frankly, I love seeing a great hire – lifts the whole conference when IU is good. And recruiting is always tough down there, but our HOF coach will continue to pull good players out of the state. Always have and always will.


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