Category Archives: College Basketball

Lauren Hill dies after learning how to live and then teaching the rest of us
April 10, 2015

by Kent Sterling Nothing like a loudly ticking clock to make people recognize every second is precious.  Most of us careen through our lives – in denial that our own clocks are ticking toward that moment when what will define us is the way we lived – past tense, not what we plan or what […]

Kentucky loses to Wisconsin, but the Andrew Harrison postgame issues are fine by me
April 5, 2015

by Kent Sterling Twenty year old kids are going to behave erratically when forced to shake hands and answer questions immediately after an emotional loss. When Kentucky’s dreams of an undefeated National Championship run were ended late last night at Lucas Oil Stadium, the Wildcat players were crestfallen.  They knew their run to perfection had […]

Indiana Basketball – Brad Stevens to Texas would be Hoosiers worst nightmare
April 1, 2015

by Kent Sterling Seth Davis tweeted a name he has heard linked to the Texas Basketball opening – former Butler coach Brad Stevens. When I read his tweet, so many thoughts raced through my mind a pen and paper weren’t able to contain them.  The first was that Hoosier Nation’s collective head would explode if […]

Final Four set – Big Blue Nation coming to Indy a self-impressed conquering horde with full wallets and flawed consciences
March 30, 2015

by Kent Sterling “Hey, their money spends good!” is the best Indianapolis basketball fans can mutter as Kentucky fans make the trip to Indy for its coronation this weekend. Thirty-nine years ago, Indiana University completed its mission of winning a National Championship with the last undefeated season in college basketball.  Without much else to celebrate […]