Tag Archives: Gregg Doyel

Top 10 problems with Twitter for sports fans and media
April 20, 2016

There is a lot of good that comes with the most dynamic social media force in history. Twitter allows for a meritocracy to exist in media.  Great takes bring like and retweets regardless of whether you are a newspaper columnist or passionate fan.  That’s good.  There is also the ability to attach links that turns […]

Unsolicited advice for Gregg Doyel on the day of his fight against Chris Lytle
August 7, 2015

by Kent Sterling Given the choice between fight or flight when in a boxing ring with Chris Lytle, choose flight. Indianapolis Star columnist Gregg Doyel is going to step in the ring tonight against boxer/mixed martial arts fighter Chris Lytle.  It’s all for a great cause, the fight against Parkinson’s Disease being waged by Rock […]

Indianapolis sports media – sane perspective from reasonable people sets Indy apart
May 6, 2015

by Kent Sterling In most cities, columnists and radio hosts routinely monitor each other to see what plot of intellectual territory goes unclaimed, and they plant their flag there.  If one guy says the local NFL team had a great draft, another will say it was atrocious. Journalism isn’t a matter of honest and heartfelt […]

College Basketball – Cheaters Continue to Win, Which Means We Need to Re-define Winning
March 28, 2014

by Kent Sterling Winning is not about gaining an advantage through systemic deceit – it’s the pursuit of answering adversity with grit, finding a way through the pain to outwork your opponents, motivating teammates to embrace a common cause, and subverting selfish wants for collective success.  Victory without embracing those concepts is meaningless. Championships as […]