Tag Archives: Philip Rivers Colts

Philip Rivers will win some and lose some for Colts – Get used to it!
October 12, 2020

Colts quarterback Philip Rivers threw two ill-advised passes yesterday that were caught by Cleveland Browns defenders, and they cost the Colts the game.  Rivers did the same thing against the Jaguars a month ago.  He will do it again. For the Chargers last year, Rivers did the same against the Kansas City Chiefs twice, Denver […]

Time is coming for Colts, but 2020 is not going to be their year for four reasons
October 6, 2020

Minds are being lost over the Indianapolis Colts 3-1 start.  Indulging in optimism is fine, but it’s time to ratchet back the hyperbole a couple of levels. The Colts are in a beautiful position moving forward with tens of millions under the cap to spend (or not) during the upcoming offseason.  General manager Chris Ballard […]