Tag Archives: Robert Mathis

Top 10 questions the Indianapolis Colts hope to answer tomorrow night vs. the Eagles
August 26, 2016

Thank God this one doesn’t count. The Colts are in tatters.  Injuries everywhere, and many of the healthy starters won’t play because they are borderline antiques who require protection like the sofa you were forbidden to sit on “because it’s only for special occasions”. Who wins preseason game #3 between the Colts and Philadelphia Eagles is irrelevant, […]

Top 10 Indianapolis Colts with the most to prove in 2016
August 16, 2016

This is going to be a very interesting season for the Indianapolis Colts. Rebound or continue decline are the two possibilities for the Horseshoes, and it seems the odds of either are right at 50-50. Many in national media predict the Colts will finish 6-10 or 5-11.  Locally, most are more optimistic.  We tend to […]

Top 10 reasons the Indianapolis Colts will either sink or swim in 2016
July 13, 2016

Welcome to Colts season. Training camp begins in two weeks at Anderson University and the Pacers free agent frenzy has run it’s course, so this is the time Indianapolis nimbly shifts gears into talking about the pivotal 2016 season that lies ahead. It doesn’t take long to pivot to the NFL once the NBA Finals end […]