Jeremy Hollowell Picks Indiana

by Kent Sterling

IU head coach Tom Crean picked up another commitment for his outstanding 2012 freshman class as Lawrence Central’s (IN) Jeremy Hollowell chose the Hoosiers over Cincinnati, Ohio State, and Purdue.

Hollowell is a 6’7 wing with length, athleticism, and shooting range who fits nicely with current commitments Yogi Ferrell (PG), Ron Patterson (SG), Hanner Perea (PF), and Peter Jurkin (C).  All but Jurkin attend Indiana high schools, as Crean continues to tap in-state kids to build a solid local foundation for his program.

As with any brand, success breeds more success, and Crean hasn’t lost many battles for Indiana preps since getting a verbal from Hamilton Heights Austin Etherington.  Cody Zeller was the big fish who opened the flood gates for these 2012 kids, and Indiana kids have taken notice and continue to line up to help get this program back on track.

Hollowell has the potential to be a big part of that effort.  He’s ranked 37th, 38th, and 39th by the big three ranking services, and can be as good as he wants to be.  What Hallowell is, Indiana does not currently have.

For those who have trouble counting to five, that is how many have now committed for 2012, and that’s a lot.  For a team with two incoming freshmen, two returning sophomores, and five returning juniors, that would bring the total of players on scholarship in the fall of 2012 to 14.  If Matt Roth applies for a medical redshirt, we hit 15.  And Indiana is still tenaciously pursuing Hamilton Southeastern’s Gary Harris.  That’s 16.

Crean doesn’t need IU’s Finite Math wizard Maynard Thomson to draw a Venn Diagram (who said the money spent on my education was wasted?) to show that 16 is greater than 13 by three.  And it’s not for me to question who the odd men out will be.  That’s a conversation for the families of players at Indiana to have with Crean.

My bet is that somehow they wind up at the right number, and that those kids will be ready to compete.  Hollowell is another thick brick in a formable wall of the house that Crean is building.

Click here to follow Kent on Twitter @kentsterling

15 thoughts on “Jeremy Hollowell Picks Indiana

  1. Joker


    Crean signs another player for 2011 – likely a big (Jamari Traylor?)
    Gary Harris commits to IU during the fall signing period.
    Capobianco Transfers either this year or next year (likely this year)
    Roth does not get his medical RS.
    Peter Jurkin goes to prep school and shows up until 2013.
    Jordan Hulls pays his own way and walks-on the 2012 roster.

    Another unexpected transfer happens this year or next with a player from the 2009 or 2010 class.

    1. Greg-Fishers

      Roth doesn’t need to apply for a medical redshirt. He never played a game in 09-10 so it would just be your standard redshirt year.

      Now, if Crean doesn’t want to offer him his 5th year, that’s another conversation.

  2. mb

    Future Jeff Showalter story: “10 reasons Tom Crean will turn Hollowell into a terrible basketball player.”

    Cant dispute talent. GO HOOSIERS!

    1. Joker

      You can count on that. He’s already on record saying IU will still be average at best because Crean is such a terrible coach. Never mind the guy was a finalist of national COY, and a 2 time C-USA COY. Showalter has vastly superior BB knowledge…that’s why he’s the coach of….nothing.

  3. dr. bucket

    1 and 200 are the operative numbers

    1 = number of balls

    200 = number of minutes to be distributed each game

    1. kentsterling Post author

      These guys aren’t the “I need 14 shots per game” guys, but the 200 minutes are going to grind someone’s ass.

        1. TheRegion

          The problem with Butler is Butler is in the Horizon league, rarely on TV, and poor facilities….all things that are important to kids. Yes these kids want to win but win on a bigger stage….

  4. thesixthmanning

    Crean should get two years with the 2012 kids. If IU isn’t in the Sweet 16 in 2014 it will be time to make a coaching change.

    1. kentsterling Post author

      That would be a total of six years, and that’s fair. I believe that once it gets rolling it will stay rolling. And the 2012 group will build on what’s coming next year. It’s going to get better next year. A .500 record in the Big Ten could be had.

    2. Joker

      I would actully agree with this as well. There have been plenty of excuses the last few years – and a lot of valid ones – but there won’t be any whatsoever once this group are sophmores.

    3. mjohnd

      So you’re saying that IU will get rid of Crean, right at the moment when their best class in decades is entering their junior year? You’re going to remove the coach right when he has his best chance to win? Somehow I don’t think that will happen unless something disastrous occurs (like mass transfers). Even if he turns out to be a very bad coach he won’t (and shouldn’t) be removed until 2016.

  5. Brian

    If his team does not improve anymore in 2011-2012 than this year, he will not be around to see the 2012 recruits! As weak as the BIG TEN should be next year if he does not finish at least .500, IU will can him and name Drew Adams the COACH!


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