Category Archives: MLB

Joe Kelly lays out the truth against the Astros in podcast
August 13, 2020

Dodgers pitcher Joe Kelly is now my favorite baseball player – ever. It’s not because he threw at members of the Houston Astros as retaliation for cheating the game during the 2017 season – a year they won the World Series – but because he laid out the reasons for his actions so strongly while […]

Time for fans to refuse to be ignored – and boycott Major League Baseball
June 17, 2020

It’s time to take back our game.  Baseball has dicked around long enough with our hearts. When baseball resumes, keep your money in your pockets.  Hold baseball owners and players accountable for their indifference to you by refusing to line their pockets with your cash. For the history of our national pastime, owners have assumed […]

While NBA, NFL, and MLS prepare to ball, Major League Baseball continues to bicker
June 10, 2020

Baseball is wearing me out through its apparent indifference to fans, but I likely won’t feel a lot better about it when they finally start playing. The MLB Players Association made a counter offer yesterday to the owners counter offer, and so it will go until finally commissioner Rob Manfred orders players back for a 48 […]

Advice from Scott Boras might just kill baseball
May 29, 2020

Nothing good will come from baseball not being played this summer, and nothing good will come from the perception of greed that owners and players project through negotiations that will continue for the next week or two as the 2020 season hangs in the balance. Player agent Scott Boras has made a very handsome living […]

Major League Baseball threatens to jump the shark with complex postseason expansion
February 11, 2020

MLB’s proposed new playoff system is a complicated cash grab from greedy pirates whose thirst for cash is unquenchable. Head pirate Rob Manfred appears to be a man unafraid of change if it nets owners a few bucks.  Sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes not. File this proposed change to baseball’s playoff system as a big steaming […]