Category Archives: College Basketball

Indy Morning Sports List – Top seven myths of college hoops that should be rejected
November 18, 2015

The college basketball season started with a vengeance yesterday, and fans got a great look at big time programs paying against each other instead of preparing for conference games by tuning up Lipscomb, Austin Peay, and directional state universities.  It was great.  Loved every minute. While we love college hoops, pointing out some common misconceptions […]

Are constant headaches and uncertainty for a coach worth the money or effort
October 29, 2015

by Kent Sterling I look at the mood swings of Chuck Pagano, the uncertainty surrounding Rick Pitino, and the constant din of criticism for Tom Crean, and I wonder whether being a coach is worth the money or sacrifice. It’s a tough life, even for a secure coach with a pristine record of winning and compliance. […]

Louisville Basketball and hookers – First scandal I just don’t care about
October 20, 2015

by Kent Sterling We tend to get high and mighty about college sports – like it should be pure, chaste, and reflective of our best guess as to how teenagers should act.  The coaches should be priests and the athletes alter boys. Those expectations are ridiculous.  For a group to whom the word “No” has […]